
Version 2.0.2
©1998 Scott R Lahteine


Using This Manual
Special Text and Icons
Where To Go For More Help
Special Thanks


Using This Manual

Using the FretPet Manual should be familiar to anyone used to browsing the World Wide Web. Hyperlinks appear as underlined text and they take you to new locations in the document. Some links will take you to definitions in the Glossary. In these cases they will appear in Boldface.

Read QuickStart first. This section provides a short tutorial in which you will build a simple progression, learn about the interface, and get some immediately pleasing results. Once you've got the hang of things you can return to the manual and read over the rest at your leisure.


Special Text and Icons

Throughout the manual you will see some common text styles and icons which are used to indicate specialized kinds of information. Keep an eye out for these:

    Brown System Text indicates a menu command. For example, File >> New means the New command in the File menu.

    This icon appears next to notes that provide tips or warnings about the current topic.

    Use the arrows at the bottom each page to move through the document a page at a time.



Please note: FretPet is not a free product.
If you find this program useful and you want to keep it, you can easily register by clicking on the link below. Otherwise, please delete it from your hard drive after 30 days.

Register FretPet at



Where to go for more help

Email support:
Updates & Info:
FretPet Home Page



Special Thanks

No geek is an island, and FretPet would not have been possible except for the generous contributions of the following:

Tony Myles, Karl Bunker & Vern Jensen
for SpriteWorld 2

Troy Gaul
for Infinity Windoid 3
©1991-1995 Infinity Systems

Mattias Ellert
for Round Window

Ramon M. Feliciano
for Mercutio MDEF
from Digital Alchemy
copyright © Ramon M. Feliciano 1992-1996.

Dinc Fonts
for the fab 'Messaround' typeface

Ken Ambrose, Mike Herman, E.Dan Martinez, Dave Ross, Harvey Smith, Rafi Sofer, David White, Anna Whiteley
for Guitar Lessons

MacAddict & MacTech Magazines
for the best of Style and Substance.

Christine Shaw Lahteine
for Patience, Inspiration, and Support